Monday, November 21, 2011

Where Is The People In California Holiday Spirit?

Recently I met some single mothers who was sharing with me, that they lost their jobs and that is why they are homeless and living on the streets or they haven't lost their apartment or home yet but they don't have electricity or gas because they can not afford to pay it. Or what about the long food banks lines because the cost of food has gone up and the average unemployed household can no longer purchase food for their families. This is a disgrace to any citizen living in the state of California. Answer this people why is the state of California paying illegal immigrants to stay in our country and the government is giving these non-citizen people a $1000 or more in cash a month to live in California and a $1000 in food stamps or more to feed their families, every month.This is unfair to The American people and the needy families living in California. Wake up, people have the citizen of United States gone mad or have we just lost our way or maybe we are too selfish of a people, to help our own American homeless and needy families. Do you know how many people I have met in the last month, that can't afford to have Thanksgiving Dinner or don't have money for transportation to get to a place where Thanksgiving Dinner or Christmas Dinners are being served. This is sad and inexcusable, especially In California and our government should not allow this to happen. What a mess this state has become and where is our priority. No wonder the children of today are so messed up and confuse. Look what we are doing to our own people, who really need our assistance. I have a list of needy families who need bills paid, food, shelter, clothes and shoes and if your heart allows it and you want to help a family in need, please send me a message at
Happy Holidays and Be Safe
Subrina Love

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